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Stan and Glenda's Website
Around The House
Wildlife On Our 5 Acres
Grand Canyon and Mesa Verde 2016 Highlights
(click/tap pictures for larger image & description)
Lost Dutchman State Park not far from Phoenix with the Superstition Mountains in the background
Goldfiled Ghost Town near the Lost Dutchman State Park
Stan with cousins Patsy, Maggie and Janie who we met up with in Phoenix
Top level of the train we took to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon
Lower level of the train going to the south rim of the Grand Canyon, complete with a bar!
Us at the south rim of the Grand Canyon
Us on top of a partially reconstructed building at Tuzigoot National Monument
Montezuma Castle National Monument
Lodge on the edge of the north rim of the Grand Canyon
Back side of the lodge’s lobby has a room with an amazing view of the canyon
The restaurant at the lodge where we had dinner
Glenda at one of the outdoor sitting areas at the lodge
North Rim of the Grand Canyon
A kalibab white tailed squirrel, only found there at the Kalibab National Forest and into the pines at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde National Park